1. Encountered the following erro while applying the patch :
AutoPatch error:
This patch has some prerequisites specified, but a "snapshot" of this
APPL-TOP's file-system has never been taken, thereby rendering it impossible
to check for the prerequisites.
Please take a "snapshot" of this APPL-TOP using "AD Administration" first
or continue without prerequisite checking.
Continue as if prerequisite patches have been applied? [Yes] ?
Solution :
When you get the above error, Check for the list of preequisite patches that the adpatch has queried from the patch log file , if they are already applied, Give Yes and continue with the patching process. Once all the patches are applied , Run adadmin and update
Current view snapshot.
2. Encountered the following erro while applying the patch :
ATTENTION: All workers either have failed or are waiting:
FAILED: file pa_proj_levels_tmp.xdf on worker 1.
ATTENTION: Please fix the above failed worker(s) so the manager can continue.
Table does not exist in the target database
Executing create Statement
Create Statement is
( "FROM_ID" NUMBER(15,0),
"TO_ID" NUMBER(15,0),
Start time for statement above is Mon Apr 23 09:18:03 CDT 2007
Exception occured ORA-00955: name is already used by an existing object
java.sql.SQLException: ORA-00955: name is already used by an existing object
Solution :
Bounced the database and restarted the patch application. Patch was applied successfully.
3. ****************The below error occurs almost often*****************
Encountered the following erro while applying the patch :
ATTENTION: All workers either have failed or are waiting:
FAILED: file fndcct.jar on worker 1.
ATTENTION: Please fix the above failed worker(s) so the manager can continue.
Loading contents of archive file into database with arguments
-ms128m -mx256m oracle.aurora.server.tools.loadjava.LoadJavaMain -f -thin -user "APPS/XFuEVowV@auohsmrkm13:10010:PMRKMI1" /pmrkmi/applmgr/11510/admin/PMRKMI/out/p001ldjva.jar
Calling /usr/java/j2sdk1.4.2_10/bin/java ...
SQL Error while connecting with thin driver to auohsmrkm13:10010:PMRKMI: Io exception: Connection refused(DESCRIPTION=(TMP=)(VSNNUM=169869824)(ERR=12505)(ERROR_STACK=(ERROR=(CODE=12505)(EMFI=4))))
could not open connection
loadjava: 2 errors
AD Worker error:
The above program failed. See the error messages listed
above, if any, or see the log and output files for the program.
Time when worker failed: Sun Apr 29 2007 14:27:47
Solution :
Manually executed the command as follows :
$java -ms128m -mx256m oracle.aurora.server.tools.loadjava.LoadJavaMain -f -thin -user "APPS/xxxxx@auohsmrkm13:10010:PMRKMI1" /pmrkmi/applmgr/11510/admin/PMRKMI/out/p001ldjva.jar
$ 0010:PMRKMI1" /pmrkmi/applmgr/11510/admin/PMRKMI/out/p001ldjva.jar
4.************The Below Error Occurs Often in 10G instances***************
Encountered the following erro while applying the patch :
AutoPatch error:
The following ORACLE error:
ORA-38301: can not perform DDL/DML over objects in Recycle Bin
occurred while executing the SQL statement
AutoPatch error:
adfrjp(): Error dropping FND_INSTALL_PROCESSES table
An error occurred while generating Oracle Forms files.
Continue as if it were successful [No] :
You should check the file
for errors.
Patch failed, please rerun patch when problem has been fixed !
Please check logfiles for errors at:
Solution :
SQL> sho user
SQL> exec execute immediate 'purge recyclebin';
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
AutoPatch is complete.
AutoPatch may have written informational messages to the file
Errors and warnings are listed in the log file
and in other log files in the same directory.
5. Encountered the following erro while applying the patch :
Error while applying patch -2 :
AutoPatch is complete.
-ms128m -mx256m oracle.aurora.server.tools.loadjava.LoadJavaMain -f -thin -user "APPS/*****@AUOHSROIN12.oracleoutsourcing.com:10010:PROINI" /proini/applmgr/11510/admin/PROINI_BALANCE/out/p001ldjva.jar
Calling /proini/applmgr/common/util/java/1.4/j2sdk1.4.2_04/bin/java ...
SQL Error while connecting with thin driver to AUOHSROIN12.oracleoutsourcing.com:10010:PROINI: Io exception: Connection refused(DESCRIPTION=(TMP=)(VSNNUM=153093632)(ERR=12505)(ERROR_STACK=(ERROR=(CODE=12505)(EMFI=4))))
Solution :
Executed the command manually :
java -ms128m -mx256m oracle.aurora.server.tools.loadjava.LoadJavaMain -f -thin -user "APPS/apppwd@AUOHSROIN12.oracleoutsourcing.com:10010:PROINI1 " /proini/applmgr/11510/admin/PROINI_BALANCE/out/p001ldjva.jar
Skipped the worker and continued with patching.
6. Encountered the following erro while applying the patch :
create tablespace IZUD datafile '/dczb3i/oradata/data01/izud01.dbf' size 500M autoextend on next 25M maxsize 1800M extent
management local;
create tablespace IZUX datafile '/dczb3i/oradata/data01/izux01.dbf' size 500M autoextend on next 25M maxsize 1800M extent
management local;
create user izu identified by izu default tablespace izud;
grant connect,resource to izu;
select tablespace_name from dba_tablespaces where tablespace_name='IZUD';
create tablespace IZUX datafile '/dczb3i/oradata/data01/izux01.dbf' size 500M autoextend on next 25M maxsize 1800M extent
management local;
select tablespace_name from dba_tablespaces where tablespace_name='IZUX';
Run adsplicer :
Please enter the directory where your AD Splicer control file is located.
The default directory is [/dczb3i/applmgr/11510/admin] :
Please enter the name of your AD Splicer control file [newprods.txt] :
Processing file /dczb3i/applmgr/11510/admin/newprods.txt...
Loading information for product 'izu'...
Warning: Because the database is in new tablespace mode, AD Splicer is ignoring the tablespace settings in your control file!
Successfully read file /dczb3i/applmgr/11510/admin/newprods.txt.
Verifying localizations...
Validating inter-product dependency information...
Re-organizing product information lists...
Adding new languages into FND_LANGUAGES...
Creating ORACLE usernames for products...
AD Splicer is creating or updating the ORACLE username IZU
with password ***** for Oracle Support Diagnostic Tools tables.
Granting privileges for tablespaces...
Granting required system privileges and creating APPS*DDL packages...
sqlplus -s IZU/***** @/dczb3i/applmgr/11510/ad/11.5.0/admin/sql/adaddls.pls ***** IZU *****
Spawned Process 16221
Done running adaddls.pls for IZU
sqlplus -s IZU/***** @/dczb3i/applmgr/11510/ad/11.5.0/admin/sql/adaaddls.pls ***** IZU *****
Spawned Process 16224
Done running adaaddls.pls for IZU
sqlplus -s IZU/***** @/dczb3i/applmgr/11510/ad/11.5.0/admin/sql/adaddlb.pls ***** IZU *****
Spawned Process 16239
Done running adaddlb.pls for IZU
sqlplus -s IZU/***** @/dczb3i/applmgr/11510/ad/11.5.0/admin/sql/adaaddlb.pls ***** IZU *****
Spawned Process 16240
Done running adaaddlb.pls for IZU
Registering ORACLE usernames/passwords.
**Inserting application information for new products...
Running fnd_application_pkg.add_language ...
**Updating product information for new products...
Populating INSTALL_GROUP_NUM column to FND_ORACLE_USERID table.
**Updating product dependency information...
Recording modules in the database...done.
**Updating Data Groups...
Reading existing data groups from database.
Registering any new data groups.
Registering any new data group units.
Updating Data Group "Standard" to point to
APPS #1 Account (ORACLE ID = 900)
Updating Patch Advisor tables to include new product information ..
sqlplus -s APPS/***** @/dczb3i/applmgr/11510/ad/11.5.0/sql/adpaseed.sql *****
Spawned Process 16255
Saving module actions...done.
Saving product actions...done.
Product top directory for product "izu" exists.
Directory is /dczb3i/applmgr/11510/izu/11.5.0
Directory "log" for product "izu" exists.
Directory "out" for product "izu" exists.
Directory "mesg" for product "izu" exists.
Directory "sql" for product "izu" exists.
File "sql/IZUNLINS.sql" for product "izu" exists.
Directory "admin/sql" for product "izu" exists.
File "admin/sql/IZUNLADD.sql" for product "izu" exists.
Directory "admin/driver" for product "izu" exists.
File "admin/driver/izucon.drv" for product "izu" exists.
File "admin/driver/izuseq.drv" for product "izu" exists.
File "admin/driver/izutab.drv" for product "izu" exists.
File "admin/driver/izutbm.drv" for product "izu" exists.
File "admin/driver/izuos.drv" for product "izu" exists.
File "admin/driver/izupls.drv" for product "izu" exists.
File "admin/driver/izuvw.drv" for product "izu" exists.
File "admin/driver/izuplb.drv" for product "izu" exists.
File "admin/driver/izupdt.drv" for product "izu" exists.
File "admin/driver/izudat.drv" for product "izu" exists.
File "admin/driver/izuupg.drv" for product "izu" exists.
File "admin/driver/izudfr.drv" for product "izu" exists.
File "admin/driver/izuen.drv" for product "izu" exists.
File "admin/driver/izudep.drv" for product "izu" exists.
Do you wish to regenerate your environment file [Yes] ? no
AD Splicer is complete.
***********Skip the process of regenerating the env file as it will force to run autoconfig
select APPLICATION_ID from fnd_application where ALICATION_SHORT_NAME = 'IZU';
Edit the existing env file with the entry of the product top and save the changes.
7. Encountered the following erro while applying the patch :
AD Worker error:
The above program failed with error code 1.
See the AD Worker log file and/or the program log file for details.
Time when worker failed: Tue Oct 17 2006 08:47:04
Isssue while applying a patch :
FNDLOAD apps/IFm9bC29 0 Y UPLOAD @FND:patch/115/import/afcpprog.lct @PO:patch/115/import/US/poprg.ldt
While applying the patch 5249967, FAILED: file poprg.ldt on worker 1.
After looking at the log file , the worker 01 failed with this error :
Error loading seed data for VSET_TABLE: FLEX_VALUE_SET_NAME = PO_SRS_CHART_OF_ACCOUNTS, ORA-20001:
Later found that, the table VSET_TABLE does not exists.
SQL> select name,user from v$database;
--------- ------------------------------
SQL> select * from dba_objects where object_name='VSET_TABLE';
no rows selecte
SQL> select * from dba_objects where object_name='VSET_TABLE' and object_type='TABL
no rows selected
ORA-04043: object VSET_TABLE does not exist
Hence Skipping the worker using adctrl.
Pathcing Issues
Posted by
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Labels: Oracle Apps Issues
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