Apps DBA Questions

1. What is a snapshot? In which table we get Information?
2. How will check Apache is working in Front-end and Back End
3. Write down the methods to identify whether the application is in maintenance mode or not
4. What is the result of unsetting APPLCSF
5. How are the AOL Developers Environment variables set
6. How do we get access to the initial sigon to application?
7. From where are the Report files picked up for execution
8. Where are the Reports plsql files located
9. Which ORACLE HOME is used by ad utilities
10. Which file contains the product dependencies information
11. When apps password is given wrong for, what is the effect on the services
12. What are the Various Statuses of Workers
13. How do you restart a failed patch process
14. What are the table/tables created when workers are initiated and in which schema
15. Create defaults file for "Compile Apps Schema"
16. Execute "Compile Apps Schema" in noninteractive mode
17. Where are the custom files placed
18. Difference between ad_bugs and ad_applied patches
19. What happened Relink adslpice and adpatch?
20. What are Oracle Apps DBA Important Tables we use in daily activities?
21. What is .lct and .ldt files in Patch Directory?
22. What are the tables updated when you apply application patch?
23. Can you apply Opatch without inventory? If there is no inventory, how do you apply Opatch?
24. What are the tables get created during Apps Patching?
25. How do you hide apps password during adpatching? (adpatch flags=hidepw)
26. What is interoperability patch
27. How do you compile jsp files?
28. Types of profile options?
29. Opatch log file location?
30. How do you clone a context file or how do you change existing port pool?
31. How do you run autoconfig in test mode?
32. What are mandatory users in oracle apps?
33. What is the location of apache and plsql cache?
34. What is adlicmgr ?
35. When do you relinking?
36. What is DAD?
37. How do you compile a schema?
38. What is the utility to clean the concurrent manager tables?
39. How do you stage the 11.5.10 Apps software?
40. ADPATCH has failed and it indicated there was an error with a worker. What steps can be taken to investigate this problem?
41. How can I check to see if a concurrent manager is running?
42. Where do concurrent request or manager logfiles and output files go?
43. What is the function of the 'Conflict Resolution Manager'?
44. Unable to Bring Up Concurrent Manager after Running Autoconfig.
45. When should I run AutoConfig?
46. Which files / profile options get changed when I run AutoConfig?
47. What is cloning?
48. How do I determine if my system is Rapid Clone enabled?
49. Can I clone from one operating system version to another?
50. Can I change the database dbf files layout while cloning?
51. What is the difference between Concurrent Requests, Programs, and Processes
52. What is iAS Patch?
53. Why does a worker fails in Oracle Apps Patch and few scenarios in which it failed for you?
54. When you apply C driver patch does it require database to be Up & Why?
55. What are the important options to reduce patch down time?
56. Can you apply patch without putting Applications 11i in Maintenance mode?
57. What is difference between adpatch & opatch? Can you use both adpatch & opatch in Apps?
58. Why do I have invalid objects? What causes them? How you identify them ?
59. Is there a file that lists all of the patches that have been applied to the application?
60. What is the difference between apps listener & web listener?
61. Why only for Concurrent Manager, we specify apps/apps password & not for other?
62. What’s the significance of batch size? What r the effects when we increase r decrease the batch size it defaults to 1000.
63. What is the purpose of using the option Phtofile in adpatch?
64. How do I configure AutoConfig for a multi-node system?
65. How do you identify the No. of nodes in Middle tier and db Tier
66. What is a Shared APPL_TOP? How do you identify whether it is a shared appl_TOP or not?
67. What is a Jinitiator? (Jinitiator is the Oracle JVM used to run the applet instead of using browsers own JVM)
68. Where would i find .rf9 file, and what exactly it dose?
69. What is .dbc file, where its stored , what’s use of .dbc file ?
70. What is the use of adident utility ?
71. What is adsplice utility ?
72. How can you licence a product after installation ?
73. What is access_log in apache , what entries are recored in access_log ? Where is default location of this file ?
74. How to determine Oracle Apps 11i Version ?
75. What is PCP is Oracle Applications 11i ?
76. How to convert pll to pld file or pld file to pll ?
77. Where are the Application usrs details stored?
78. How to find plsql version?
79. When do you use script? Where its locate?
80. What is the yellow Bar Issues?


Anonymous February 8, 2012 at 10:20 AM  

please publish including the answers

Pradeep February 27, 2012 at 5:27 PM  

please publish including the answers

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