Apache issues

mportant HTTP Status Codes
200 OK

Ex : [02/Mar/2010:03:15:13 -0800] "GET /OA_HTML/jtflogin.jsp HTTP/1.1" 200 8973 0
Above url successfully opened with 8973 bytes

201 Created
202 Accepted
400 Bad Request
401 Unauthorized
402 Payment Required
403 Forbidden
404 Not Found
405 Method Not Allowed
406 Not Acceptable
407 Proxy Authentication Required
408 Request Timeout
409 Conflict
*424 Locked
500 Internal Server Error
501 Not Implemented
502 Bad Gateway
503 Service Unavailable
504 Gateway Timeout
505 HTTP Version Not Supported
*507 Insufficient Storage

You will find this Error codes in access_log file which locates on

 Use the following programs to verify the installation and check that the servlets are functioning.

a. http//:/servlets/IsItWorking

(11.5.10) This may fail with:

403 Forbidden You don't have permission to access /servlets/IsItWorking on this server.

This is due to enhanced security delivered with the autoconfig templates..


If this one fails, this indicates an issue with your Jserv set-up. You then need to follow Note:230688.1 to drill down into this problem

Validate the jsp pages


If this one fails , this indicates an issue with your Jserv set-up. You then need to follow Note:230688.1 to drill down into this problem.Otherwise you enter the values requested,.

Check that the CGI environment and mod_plsql is functioning.

If you are unable to run the procedure below because of an 'internal

error' or a 'cannot find host' or a similar error, then it could indicate

that there is a problem with the PLSQL Configuration.

a. Run the following URL:


For example:


This should output the results of running FND_WEB.PING package


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